Current Visiting Guidelines

Before Covid we had an open door policy and actively encouraged relatives and friends to come in and join in with any of the daily activities, events or outings. Things have changed over the last couple of years but we are working extremely hard to keep our visiting policy as close to normal as we can. We are very pleased to say that we can now have relatives and friends into the home. We do ask, however, that visitors avoid communal areas when possible and enjoy their visit in their relatives room. When entering the home all visitors need to sanitise their hands and sign in on the ‘Signing in iPad’. Currently masks are optional unless you are told otherwise before your visit. The visits need to be booked through our Wellbeing Lead or by phoning the main office. There is no limit to the number of visits, we simply ask they are booked so that we have a record of everyone coming in and out of the home.

Going Out

You are welcome to take your relative or friend out for a walk/wheel around the village, lunch, local attraction or to simply take them home for a cup of tea and a catch up. We ask you both wear masks in the car. We also ask that any resident going out lets the Nurse in charge know and also signs out on the iPad by the front door - this is for fire safety reasons.